Velvcast Trotter Music02:12129 BPM2020Play11 License HUG039.4 Moods😐 serious😤 angry😬 tense🤩 uplifting🤯 ecstatic songfindr Followers: 0 Follow Following TagsNovember 20, 2020February 2, 2024⚡ aggressive⛑ raw🎙 vocal🏀 bouncy🏭 industrial💃 dance🔌 glitchy🚂 pulsing🛸 sci fi🤠 adventurous🥁 beat #71 This year #86 All time More from Velvcast 1 Play Form Velvcast Dubstep 😐 serious 😬 tense 🤔 contemplative 131 BPM Similar Play Pulse Ignition KNo1 Dubstep Rock 😤 angry 😬 tense 🤯 ecstatic 75 BPM Play Object Of Desire Edgjj & Fix My Brain Dubstep Riddim 😀 happy 😬 tense 🤔 contemplative 🤩 uplifting 66 BPM Play Zeus Fix My Brain Dubstep Riddim 😕 somber 😤 angry 😬 tense 122 BPM Play Cool Riddim Idea Edgjj & Fix My Brain Dubstep 😕 somber 😤 angry 😬 tense 🤔 contemplative 129 BPM Play Residual Acid Fix My Brain Dubstep 😤 angry 😬 tense 🤯 ecstatic 128 BPM Play Annihilation Fix My Brain Dubstep 😐 serious 😕 somber 😤 angry 😬 tense 129 BPM Play Pluton Darkkick Dubstep 😐 serious 😤 angry 😬 tense 76 BPM Play Element Seker & Zethex Dubstep Riddim 😐 serious 😕 somber 😤 angry 😬 tense 😱 eerie 🤔 contemplative 🤯 ecstatic 132 BPM Featured on Play Gaming songfindr BPM
Play Object Of Desire Edgjj & Fix My Brain Dubstep Riddim 😀 happy 😬 tense 🤔 contemplative 🤩 uplifting 66 BPM
Play Element Seker & Zethex Dubstep Riddim 😐 serious 😕 somber 😤 angry 😬 tense 😱 eerie 🤔 contemplative 🤯 ecstatic 132 BPM